Доброго времени суток моим читателям и гостям!
Задумала я смастерить для себя сумку с вышивкой. Сюжет подбирать не просто. Хочется чего-нибудь заоблачного, но на такую вышивку просто нет времени. Простенькое скучно. Шить сумку с вышивкой, так чтобы с удовольствием носить. Думала и надумала. Выбрала известный сюжет. Известный для вышивающих крестиком. Предлагаю угадать, кому интересно. Это не конфетка и не розыгрыш. Просто, если кто-то захочет угадать.
Good day to all my readers and visitors!
I conceived to make yourself a bag with embroidery. The story does not just pick up. I want something transcendental, but in such embroidery is simply no time. A plain boring. Sew the bag with embroidery, so happy to wear it. Thought and speculation. Chose the well-known story. Known for cross stitching. I propose to guess who is interested. It's not candy, and not a hoax. Simply, if someone wants to guess.
Good day to all my readers and visitors!
I conceived to make yourself a bag with embroidery. The story does not just pick up. I want something transcendental, but in such embroidery is simply no time. A plain boring. Sew the bag with embroidery, so happy to wear it. Thought and speculation. Chose the well-known story. Known for cross stitching. I propose to guess who is interested. It's not candy, and not a hoax. Simply, if someone wants to guess.
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